Quick Start Guide

Example 1

Let’s imagine we have a file that contains all the personal information about our classmates. However, only the teachers should be able to see each person’s University ID number.

Now, this is the situation where we could use Muna.

Let’s say, the teacher makes a Google Sheet where the columns are already added: Column A - Email Column B - University ID


One of the students, Jane, would like to fill out this form.

First, the teacher must share the document with Jane. As soon as Jane’s email address is shared with the document she must download Muna.

Muna is under the Extensions - “The Secret Manager for Google Sheets” -, this is where Jane can download it. Google will ask Jane for permission to grant the app.

After that, Jane has to log in to her Google account and allow Muna.

Now Jane sees the created Google Sheet and she has already downloaded Muna.

She fills out all the necessary information, except her University ID number which will be encrypted.

To do that, she must make a Digital ID, which makes it possible to create and manage secret information. She will click on the Extensions and then The Secret Manager for Google Sheets again, then on the “New digital ID”. A pop-up window will appear and Jane has to type in a password. As soon as the Digital ID is done, Jane will see a pop-up window saying: “Congrats! Your new digital ID is ready. You can now create, reveal, and share secret information.”

Now she can fill out the secret cell which will have her University ID number.

She must click on an empty cell then select Extensions and The Secret Manager for Google Sheets and lastly click on Create a secret. She also has to give a description of the secret plus the secret itself (optionally she can write a comment too). Now she can give permission to the teacher for her to be able to see the cell. Now she sees loads of random numbers and letters in the cell which means that the cell is encrypted. Jane’s University ID is now safe.


Jane has full control over whom she shares any of her secrets. The secret will only be shared with the selected users or groups.

To be able to read Jane’s University ID, the teacher must click on Extensions then Muna - The Secret Manager for Google Sheets - and click on Reveal a secret. She must type in her password to see the hidden information.

Example 2

You are working in a multinational company where you have to share confidential information with other departments. A great college of yours asks for information that contains clients' data, therefore only your college should see specific information.

This is where you can use Muna.

First, you must share this Google Sheet document with your college using her email address.

After that, you must download Muna. You can find Muna under the Extensions called “The Secret Manager of Google Sheets”. Google will ask you for permission, you must allow that.

After that, you should log into your Google account and allow Muna.

To use Muna, first, you have to make a Digital ID. Again, you must click on the Extensions, click on Muna - The Secret Manager for Google Sheets - and select “New digital ID”.

You fill out all the information except the ones that are confidential and should be a secret. In the pop-up window, you must write a password to protect your Digital ID then click on OK. If the process was successful you should see a pop-up window that says: “Congrats! Your new digital ID is ready. You can now create, reveal and share secret information.”

You filled out all the information, except the ones that should be a secret.


To make the cells a secret, you have to click on the empty cell where you wish to put the secret information and click on the Extensions then Muna - The Secret Manager for Google Sheets- and click on Create a secret.

A pop-up window will appear where you must add a description and the secret information. Optionally you can add comments too.

After you are ready typing down the secret and click on OK you should see loads of random numbers and letters - this is what covers your secret.

If your college would like to see the secret information, she must click on the cell which she wants to read, find Extensions, then Muna - The Secret Manager for Google Sheets - and click on Reveal a secret. She has to type in her digital ID password to be able to read the hidden information.

Now the company’s clients' information is safe.